Lots of iPad users ask “How do I get flash player on iPad?” in Apple community.Well, you need to know “Adobe has not created a version of Flash for any iOS devices”, because iPad does not support flash, they think flash is on the way out and HTML5 is a much better option.
Viewing Flash content on Android. If you want to enable Flash in all applications on your Android device, the best thing to do would be to install the Adobe Flash Player. Flash Player Issues | Windows 10 | Internet Explorer - Adobe Troubleshoot Adobe Flash Player issues that occur in Internet Explorer on Windows 10. Mises à jour d'Adobe Flash Player pour macOS disponibles en ... Si vous utilisez une version obsolète du module Adobe Flash Player, il est possible que le message « Module bloqué », « Alerte de sécurité Flash » ou « Module Flash obsolète » s'affiche lorsque vous essayez de consulter du contenu Flash dans Safari. Flash Player avec Google Chrome - helpx.adobe.com Le navigateur Google Chrome (32 bits) comprend l'application Adobe Flash Player intégrée. Par conséquent, il n'est pas nécessaire pour Chrome de télécharger ...
https://www.howtogeek.com/438141/how-to-play-adobe-flash-swf-files-outside-your-web-browser/ http://osxdaily.com/2017/07/11/how-update-adobe-flash-player-google-chrome/ https://www.ipadzapp.net/comment-telecharger-flash-player-sur-lipad/ https://praxistipps.chip.de/adobe-flash-player-fuer-ipad-gibts-das_12144 https://download.cnet.com/Adobe-Flash-Player/3000-2378_4-10074404.html https://www.bigfishgames.com/game/gummy-drop/help/articles/115002183808-Reinstall-Adobe-Flash-Shockwave-Computer/
Adobe Flash Player на Mac и iOS - AppleInsider.ru Плагин Flash Player от компании Adobe до сих пор активно используется во всех настольных и мобильных платформах.Компания Adobe Systems Inc., разработчик популярных программ для работы с графикой, планирует выпустить полноценную версию Photoshop для iPad. How to Get Flash Player for iPad and iPhone - Best Browser… Photon Flash Player app is one of the most popular choices among people looking to use flash on their iOS device. The app is not available for free, butIt provides Adobe Flash support over Cloud and it also allows you to adjust Flash quality so that you can play games and run flash videos on your iPad... Браузеры с поддержкой Flash для iPhone и iPad | Новости…
https://www.google.com/search?num=100&q=how+t%C3%A9l%C3%A9charger+adobe+flash+player+on+ipad&tbm=isch&source=univ&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiN29fBz7zkAhUhNKYKHaE9BTIQsAQI-gE http://www.bbc.co.uk/webwise/guides/plugin/flash https://tricmarpoke.tk/medical/how-to-adobe-flash-player-10-on-ipad.php https://www.connectmath.com/downloads https://de.ccm.net/faq/1612-flash-player-fuer-ios-geraete https://www.webassign.net/manual/student_guide/common/tbs-a-flash-disabled.htm
Why can I not download Adobe Flash player on my iPad 2?